
Were going on a trip in our favorite rocketship
Were going on a trip in our favorite rocketship

  • All Animals Are Domesticated: Though there are exceptions, the team frequently encounters wild animals that turn out to be friendly.
  • Affectionate Parody: The show borrows a few story lines and characters from fairy tales or other well-established children's stories, such as The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood.
  • The former one was even missing Rocket for most of it, whereas the latter had him starring alongside Annie.
  • A Day in the Limelight: They've all had episodes that focus on them every now and then, but special mention needs to go to "Quincy and the Magic Instruments" and "Annie's Solo Mission" which almost exclusively featured the title characters in each one.
  • Adam and Eve Plot: The ending to "Knock on Wood" seems to hint at this, as Tapper and his new (female) friend are likely the only ivory billed woodpeckers left in existence.
  • Most often seen with that episode's token animal or instrument friend(s).
  • 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: Pretty much anything but the Little Einsteins themselves, up to and including Rocket.
  • Not to be confused with Young Einstein or Albert Einstein himself, though the production company does pay a royalty fee for the use of the Einstein name. He appears to be based off a Russian MiG-29. Rocket and the Little Einsteins always manage to send him packing though, at least until next time. Big Jet has been trying to get even ever since, taking things that don't belong to him and pestering Rocket and the Einsteins whenever he gets the chance. Despite this, Rocket was able to beat Big Jet in an air race. Big Jet first appeared in the episode Hungarian Hiccups, where his engine was so loud, it scared Rocket. This bad guy takes the form of Big Jet, a jet plane who is noisy, selfish and mean.
  • Big Jet: Little Einsteins is unusual among preschool shows in that it has a recurring bad guy.
  • To put it simply, wherever the Little Einsteins need to go, Rocket can change into a vehicle to take them there. During various missions Rocket has become everything from a train, to a boat, to a submarine, to a Drill Tank.
  • His second ability is to shape-shift into different vehicles.
  • The first ability is his various tools, like the Look-And-Listen scope, which can help the Einsteins find important places and clues and the Grab-Nabber, a claw-like device, which lets Rocket grab things and bring them into the cockpit.
  • Now he is capable of taking the Little Einsteins anywhere in the world and even into space. He was once a toy rocket on baby Leo's crib mobile.
  • Rocket: Rocket is the Little Einsteins' vehicle, who runs on musical notes.
  • And she's the only person, besides Leo, to have ever piloted Rocket.


    Annie's pride and joy is a portable microphone, which she always carries with her.

    were going on a trip in our favorite rocketship

    This cheerful little girl is a wonderful singer, even coming up with song lyrics off the top of her head.

  • Annie: At four years old, Leo's little sister is the youngest of the Einsteins, but don't underestimate her.
  • Quincy once had a rather strong fear of the dark, but overcame it with help from his friends. He can play any musical instrument he comes across like a pro, whether he's ever played it before, or not. Quincy is perhaps the most gifted of the four Einsteins.
  • Quincy: A five-year old African-American (or, African-British) boy, who loves to play musical instruments.
  • June is the owner of a telescope, which has lead to a few missions over the years.

    were going on a trip in our favorite rocketship

    She's so athletic in fact that she can use her super ballet leap to launch herself over ten feet in the air, landing without harm. June is a trained ballet dancer and easily the most athletic member of the team.

  • June: A six-year Chinese-American (or Chinese-British, depending on where you are) girl who was born to dance.
  • Leo is the one who announces that the team has a mission and is the main pilot for Rocket. He has used this baton to conduct everything from his friend Quincy, to cows, to a sunrise. Leo is a gifted conductor and always carries a baton with a flashing ball on the end.

    were going on a trip in our favorite rocketship

    Leo: A six-year old boy and the leader of the team.The main characters in Little Einsteins are: The show would then go to the curtain call, where the Einsteins would introduce themselves as well as giving the audience one more look at the art and music of the episode. They would then work together to achieve their goal, when Leo would announce mission completion. The Einsteins would use Rocket to travel to different places, looking for clues and overcoming obstacles.

    Were going on a trip in our favorite rocketship